Live your Orthodox Christian faith.

Inspire your children.

Fortify your spiritual life today.

With our tools and products, let’s cultivate meaningful lifelong habits of Orthodox Christian learning for you and your family church.

Nurturing your family’s spiritual growth is an uphill battle.

As an Orthodox Christian parent, are you:

  • Struggling to weave your faith into everyday family life?

  • Overwhelmed by endless distractions and competing priorities in today’s world?

  • Determined to teach your children about Orthodoxy as a Living Faith?

  • Uncertain how to nurture a holy lay life in your family?

Yes?! Then, you are not alone.

Orthodox Christian Family learning - Transfiguration Study Journal
Orthodox Christian Family learning gifts - Putting on Christ Study Journal
Orthodox Christian Family learning - Pentecost Study Journal
Orthodox Christian Family learning - Entrance into the Temple Study Journal
Orthodox Christian Family learning - Dormition Study Journal

Set the cornerstones of your Family Church with our Great Feast Study Journals

The Great Feasts are the foundation to your family church. Our Great Feast Study Journals are crafted to help your whole family, from parents to children, cultivate a Living Faith around the Great Feasts of the Orthodox Church.

Remember what wakes you up spiritually

Our Orthodox Commonplace Book System (OCB System) is specially designed for you and your children (middle and older) begin a life-long habit of capturing and recording what you learn about your Orthodox Christian faith.

The Notebook covers of Cozy Nook, Prayerful Strolling and Peaceful overlook

Slow down…with The Notebook

All Orthodox Christians, like you, need regular breaks every day from the noise of the world. Do you have friends who also need a place to be screen-free and slow down? The Notebook creates a space to do just that.

Orthodox family bundled up up walking towards an Orthodox church

Build your family church’s foundation

Orthodox Christian parents have the most important role to play in their child’s life: to build and maintain a solid foundation for your family church.

What does our name, Family Chotki, mean?

In Russian, chotki (pronounced chyotki) means prayer rope or as Greeks call them, komboskini.

But we don’t sell prayer ropes.

So why did we chose this name?